Wendy Foo, CMT

Professional Qualification

Past Achievement and Experience


My Story

Wendy Foo

At the age of 14, I was in a state of mental haze, unable to live a normal life. My brain was uncontrollable, compulsively washing hands and repeating actions, even talking to myself. At that time, I lacked practical methods or access to therapists, and my parents were unaware of the underlying mental illness. Eventually, my symptoms worsened to the point where I couldn’t leave home, and thoughts of suicide plagued my mind. Recognizing the severity of my condition, I began seeking a way out of my anguish.

With limited internet resources and unaware of the true cause of my suffering, I didn’t seek professional help. However, my determination to overcome led me to discover a television program on psychology, detailing various psychological disorders. Watching these episodes, I identified with a patient whose symptoms closely mirrored mine, leading me to realize I was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Drawing inspiration from the program’s therapeutic techniques, I embarked on a path of self-healing through hypnotherapy. In less than six months, I emerged from my torment, reclaiming a fulfilling life without medication.

Since overcoming my struggles, life has felt miraculous, as if unlocking my inner resilience. I achieved unexpected feats, including winning the title of Miss Malaysia International and representing my country internationally. Moreover, within three months, I successfully boosted a financial company’s performance by a million and gained over 1,000 clients, despite lacking prior experience. Motivated by these successes, I pursued a career as a hypnotherapist at 23, dedicated to enriching lives and empowering others to create their own success.

I believe, “I’m grateful for my achievements, not because of innate intelligence, but through consistent application of effective methods. Mastering the mind, body, and spirit is essential, as we coexist with our subconscious daily—failure to understand can be as dangerous as wielding a knife without skill, posing risks to oneself and others. Hypnosis and mind-body techniques empower us to master life, living it to the fullest. If I can succeed, so can anyone!”

Today, I continue sharing invaluable knowledge and wisdom, inspiring others to learn and grow positively.

Success Stories

From Fear To Courage

I deeply appreciate Teacher Wendy for creating this transformative platform. Each time I return from an OM SPACE healing session, I feel reborn and significantly lighter. Every session brings me profound insights and growth. Before, I was camera-shy, but after attending several healing sessions, I've overcome my fear. Now, I confidently express my thoughts in front of the camera, which is truly empowering. I trust that by continuing to learn from Teacher Wendy and attending these sessions, I will continue to grow and thrive. My heartfelt gratitude to Teacher Wendy and the entire team for their invaluable support. - B.H

From Helplessness to Mutual Support

Before starting the course, I prepared myself for an emotional journey. Over the courses, I learned immensely and gained profound insights. The experiences were eye-opening, especially navigating financial challenges – it was unexpectedly transformative. From confusion and helplessness to mutual support and understanding, it's amazing what love among people can achieve without labels.

Addressing parental relationships was significant. Initially, I expected difficulties with my mother, but it turned out to be more challenging with my father. Irene's past help with my mother through hypnotherapy allowed me to release pent-up emotions. After the third day and returning home to see my parents, I felt a profound sense of release, free from any lingering discontent. By the fourth day, I felt remarkably lighter, as if I had made peace with myself. I began keeping a gratitude journal, practicing self-hypnosis, and reminding myself to nurture self-love.

I am deeply appreciative of Wendy's selfless guidance, energy, and invaluable support. Wendy, you are truly an angel in my life, and I am grateful beyond words for your presence! - S.Y

Transformative Journey in 3 Days

I'm grateful for the chance to embark on this transformative journey. It took me a while to find such a course, and thanks to a friend's recommendation, I finally found it.

Though the teaching by Teacher Wendy, its impact continues to unfold. I believe I can grow stronger and inspire others along the way.

Lastly, I'm immensely grateful to Teacher Wendy. Our conversations before enrolling assured me that this innovative thinking course was the right fit. My intuition tells me Teacher Wendy Foo will be pivotal in transforming my life ahead. - S.L

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Our Highlights

High Satisfaction

Boasting over 95% five-star reviews, our clients from around the world who trust our professional services.

Successful Cases

We have empowered thousands of clients to overcome anxiety, insomnia, and stress, regaining peace and confidence. Our clients has found the right solution to move towards a more fulfilling life.

Qualified Therapist

With over 10 years of clinical experience, our team has successfully empowered over 2000 clients to overcome various life challenges.

Scientific Validation

We apply scientifically validated methods to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of every treatment plan.


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Start your journey to mental health today! Schedule an appointment with your preferred therapist to unlock your inner potential and embrace a happier life!

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