Rachel Foo, Cht

Professional Qualification

Past Achievement and Experience


My Story

Rachel Foo

From Surviving Depression and Suicide Attempt to Becoming a Healer: A Journey of Transformation

Before becoming a certified hypnotherapist, I embarked on a profound journey of healing from the depths of depression and a suicide attempt. My personal struggles have shaped my empathy and understanding, setting me apart from conventional therapists. Here is my story of resilience and transformation.

Thirteen years ago, I was a shattered soul, trapped in a cycle of pain and despair. Each day felt like a struggle, isolating myself from the world, unable to escape the torment within. The scars of my past ran deep, layers of trauma from emotional, verbal, and physical abuse pushing me to the brink. In a moment of despair, I attempted to take my own life.

As I lay on the operating table, teetering between life and death, a voice pierced through the darkness, urging me to fight for myself. It was a pivotal moment of awakening, a whisper of hope amidst the chaos. With determination, I chose to reclaim my life, severing ties with toxic relationships and embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

Initially, the road ahead seems dauntingly lonely. I immersed myself in therapy, healing workshops, and psychology courses, seeking to mend the fragments of my shattered self. Despite moments of doubt and despair, I persevered, guided by mentors and kindred spirits who illuminated my path.

What once seemed like an endless night gradually gave way to the dawn of a new day. Through years of introspection and growth, I not only healed my wounds but also discovered the keys to unlock the fullness of life. I emerged as a warrior of transformation, empowered by the resilience forged in the crucible of suffering.

In a serendipitous twist of fate, I found my calling as a beacon of light, ushering others through their own journey of healing. For over four years, I have dedicated myself to the noble task of guiding fellow survivors of abuse towards wholeness and healing. Today, I stand as a testament to the possibility of redemption and renewal.

My journey from darkness to light serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of resilience. Though scars may mark our past, they need not define our future. Through courage and perseverance, we can transcend our pain and embrace the promise of a brighter tomorrow. May my story inspire others to embark on their own path of healing and transformation, for within the depths of despair lies the potential for profound renewal.

Success Stories

Overcoming 30 Years of Insomnia, Heal by Hypnotherapy

In her three-decade battle with insomnia, one woman discovered that her sleeplessness was rooted in childhood trauma. Through five sessions of hypnotherapy, she transformed her restless nights into restful sleep. Raised in a family that favored boys, she endured neglect and criticism, instilling deep feelings of worthlessness. Despite outward success, she felt invisible, trapped in a cycle of seeking validation. Hypnotherapy sessions helped her confront fears of rejection and abandonment, releasing long-held emotional wounds. Each session marked a significant step toward healing as she reclaimed her self-worth. With newfound peace, her fears dissipated, leading to restful sleep. Her journey from insomnia to tranquility showcases the healing power of addressing psychological roots and embracing intrinsic value. May her story inspire others on their path to healing and wholeness.

Renewed Hope: A Couple's Journey Through Marriage Therapy

On the brink of divorce, a couple found renewed hope after three rounds of marriage therapy. Amidst daily monotony, their relationship had lost its spark as they transitioned from lovers to parents without adaptation. Caught in dual careers, they lacked communication and shared experiences. The wife, overwhelmed with chores and childcare, didn’t grasp her husband's work stress, while he remained unaware of her struggles. This lack of empathy led to conflicts, eroding their love. Through therapy, they rediscovered their marital goals, emphasizing passion, intimacy, and commitment. These sessions rekindled affection and provided a roadmap for nurturing their marriage. Their story highlights the common marital challenge of communication breakdown. Therapy offered them tools to reignite love and reaffirm commitment, showcasing the transformative power of therapy in strengthening marital bonds.

Finding the Dawn in Depression: Realizing I'm Not Alone

He entered the therapy room with a heavy heart, moving sluggishly and appearing despondent—this was my initial impression. In our first session, he responded with monosyllabic answers, nods, and shakes of his head. I sat beside him, gently patting his shoulder, offering solace, and patiently waiting until he felt safe. I shared my own battle with depression from twelve years prior, helping him feel understood and not alone. I reassured him, saying, "It's okay to be vulnerable." In that moment, his defenses crumbled, and he wept uncontrollably. After six hypnotherapy sessions, he transformed from a puppet of his emotions into a beacon of resilience. He learned to embrace his innermost feelings and bravely be himself, realizing that true liberation lies in one's perception of self.

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Our Highlights

High Satisfaction

Boasting over 95% five-star reviews, our clients from around the world who trust our professional services.

Successful Cases

We have empowered thousands of clients to overcome anxiety, insomnia, and stress, regaining peace and confidence. Our clients has found the right solution to move towards a more fulfilling life.

Qualified Therapist

With over 10 years of clinical experience, our team has successfully empowered over 2000 clients to overcome various life challenges.

Scientific Validation

We apply scientifically validated methods to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of every treatment plan.


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